President-Elect Learning Seminar

Write Down From PELS
- Ask for 75% agreement and 100% support
- If you don’t set goals, you will never achieve them!
- Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right!
- Interrupt business as usual
- Stop doing the same things that aren’t working and be willing to try something new
- Today’s Rotary is not your father’s Rotary!
- We have to change with the times!
- Check out #87, 117, 177 and 186
- Plan on surveying your club at least twice per year
- Great clubs don’t happen by accident!
- Our clubs need to look like our communities
- Answer Bruce’s phone calls, emails and texts.
- Put October 3-6 on your calendar to attend the District Conference in Rapid City
- I have found that the best way to predict the future is to make it.
- You were elected to lead, so lead!