“Each year the Roger L. Kozak Service Above Self Award is awarded to one Rotarian in District 5610.  It was conceived in 2016.  It is given in recognition of exceptional service to Rotarians in Rotary District 5610. The award honors the memory of Roger L. Kozak, long-time member of the Vermillion Rotary Club, who served as District 5610 Governor, 2009-10.  Roger Kozak distinguished himself as an exceptionally dedicated servant leader.”
Roger Kozak’s wife, Pat Kozak, once wrote the following:  “I think the Kozak Award should go to someone who lives the Rotary motto of Service Above Self, and applies the Four-Way Test to all aspects of life.  The person should have rendered exceptional service to the community lived in and to the Rotarians of District 5610.”
Application – Limit to one-page and 200 words.
Deadline for Nominations – September 4, 2024 
Presentation – District Conference in Rapid City, October 3-6, 2024
Email To: Chair Rich Burns at DG2023Rotary.richb@gmail.com